Laptop in Bed Ergonomics: Staying Comfortable Without logging Off
Winter is a time for staying cozy and warm in bed. The trouble is, when you can work or play on a laptop, the bed is hardly an ergonomic place to do so. Fortunately, you don’t have to settle for sitting at the table or having aches and pains from a non-ergonomic laptop. Instead, it’s time to get savvy to ergonomic laptop holders. That way, you can work or play from the comfort of your bed without needing to take a pain killer when you’re done. I’ll walk you through ways to make it easier on your body and the right laptop holders for working in a more prone position. From winter blues to seriously sick, you don’t need to miss your Zoom calls or skip a day of remote work. Bundle up and set a warm drink on the bedside table, and we’ll have you tapping away in comfort shortly.
How do I make my laptop ergonomic in bed? To make a laptop ergonomic in bed, you need a good laptop stand. Keeping your wrists comfortable may require a few adjustments, but anyone can work on a laptop in bed. Balancing the laptop on your knees or hunching over it will only cause pain, and it could result in an overheating issue if your laptop vents are covered.
Laptop in Bed Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Laptop and bed ergonomics may seem confusing, but I’ll help get you straightened out so you can work or play worry-free. First, you need to remember to take breaks when your body complains. Even people on bed rest or otherwise confined to bed need to stretch and move around to stay healthy and comfortable.
If you’ve already tried setting your laptop on a blanket or sheet, then you know how fast they can heat up when the vents are covered. Your computer, even a small one like a laptop, needs to breathe, or more accurately, it requires airflow to cool the moving parts. Not only are linens an unstable surface, but they tend to form around the laptop as you work. Hence, it would be best if you never used a laptop in bed this way because you can burn yourself, your bed, or destroy your machine.
Having a laptop holder is crucial for comfortable laptop-bed ergonomics. Almost every other position you can choose causes some issue with your body or machine.
TaoTronics Laptop Desk for Bed on Amazon is height and angle adjustable. Moreover, it has space for a separate mouse, which is a significant boon. At seventeen inches wide, you’ll have plenty of space for larger laptops. Plus, you can choose from three different color schemes to match your decor. Learn more by clicking here.
The Only Way To Lay With A Laptop
Most of the positions you can use to get comfortable stop working when adding a laptop into the equation. This is because it causes undue strain on some part of your back, neck, legs, or arms. Getting an ergonomic laptop stand will help resolve this issue. In the meantime, I recommend following the suggestion of Core 77 and laying with your upper back and head propped and the flat bottom of your laptop on bent legs.
By supporting a gentile slope under your back and neck, you avoid overextending any muscles. Some people go this far but then place the laptop on their stomach or prone upper leg area and still end up sore. By opting to bend your legs up instead, you can bring the laptop higher and hold your arms up in a manner that causes less strain. However, you’ll want to do this without the blankets over your legs, or you’ll still run into the blocked-vent overheating issue.
Ergonomic Laptop Stands for Bed
When you try to find a comfortably ergonomic bed position with only your laptop, you are already at a disadvantage. There’s only one possible position that won’t put excess stress on your body without a stand. Even so, you’ll want to move eventually, which leaves you no real options. Why go through all the hassle?
Instead, it would be best if you had a high-quality laptop stand that’s designed with beds in mind. Not only can you use these in bed, but they also work on a desk or even the floor. Sometimes all it takes is the right tool or accessory to fix the problem, and laptop stands are the answer. Trying to hold a laptop up or burning it out on a blanket is painful and wasteful.
Choosing the right bed-ergonomic laptop stand is simple. You need to find one that is wide enough to hold your laptop and sit across your lap. Additionally, consider whether you’ll be using a separate wifi mouse, and make sure there’s enough space if that’s part of your setup. Finally, make sure you can adjust the height and angles to match the positions you prefer. By making this one simple choice, you can prevent discomfort and help stave off carpal tunnel along with the other ergonomic issues of typing in bed.
Armytes’ Upgraded Aluminum Laptop Stand is lightweight, foldable, durable, and flexible. This heavy-duty stand can handle an impressive thirty-three pounds. Additionally, it has a side counter for your mouse. However, the best feature of this ergonomic stand is the adaptable high-powered silent cooling fan. See the Amazon reviews for yourself by clicking here.
How To Prop Yourself Up In Bed For Less Pain
Laptops were not designed for bed ergonomics. They were made to be portable and flat. Hence, you need to adjust how you are resting along with your laptop for the most comfort if you plan on typing in bed. Luckily, this shouldn’t be too hard.
For those lucky people with adjustable beds, you’re going to raise the head and feet while you work. Unless you have a medical reason not to do this, it should help reduce discomfort and allow you to get the most out of using an ergonomic laptop stand. I’ll explain how to prop up for better ergonomic typing for those with regular flatter beds using pillows below.
Choose a high-quality Huanuo Adjustable Laptop Stand from Amazon for a more ergonomic experience. With two CPU cooling fans, you can work all day from the comfort of your bed. An additional mouse platform on the side moves independently, and the adjustable legs move to suit different proportions better. Plus, you can raise and lower a Huanuo stand at the touch of a button. Have this smart ergonomic laptop stand delivered to your door by clicking here.
First, move up toward the head of your bed. You can also do this by moving toward a wall if your bed lays along with one, but either way, you’ll want that vertical plane. If you have a wedge pillow or two, they’re ideal for this. However, regular pillows or even extra folded blankets can do the same job if you adjust them.
What you need to do is put a wedge or pillows under your lower back for lumbar support. You’ll probably want one behind your head as well, but it’s the back support that is the trickiest. You don’t want excess pressure on any part of your spine as you work. Don’t worry if this takes several pillows to accomplish.
Finally, you want to put another pillow, or several under your knees to raise them. This position cradles your body better so you can work in comfort. However, if you’re in bed with a cast or post-surgery, please ask your doctor for advice before trying this.
Use A Good Mattress
Besides having the right angles and a high-quality laptop stand, the mattress underneath you also matters. If your bed is too soft, you’ll be lying in an indent, and it may push on pressure points as you lay. Meanwhile, a too-hard mattress will not adapt to the curves of your frame and pushes your body out of alignment.
Particularly if you haven’t replaced your mattress in a decade, it’s time to consider getting a newer model. All the adjustments in the world won’t help if your basic laying position is already causing discomfort and pain. Most mattresses only have about a decade of ‘working life’ anyhow.
Plus, old-fashioned spring mattresses collect dead skin cells causing an unsanitary rest and offering the perfect breeding ground for dust mites. Consider replacing your mattress with a suitable hypoallergenic foam mattress instead. Even weight distribution and no springs to poke through can make a huge difference whether you’re sleeping or using a laptop.
Final Thoughts
Trying to find an ergonomic laptop position in bed shouldn’t be a struggle. No amount of pain is ‘normal,’ and you should never settle for less than comfort. Especially if you’re sick, disabled, injured, or recovering from surgery, you don’t want to cause a new problem so that you can use your favorite laptop.
Make sure you double-check the dimensions of your laptop stand before you buy it. A couple of inches can make a huge difference in fitting over a lap or having enough space for a laptop and mouse. Adjustable angles and height are great, but they only matter if you can use the stand in the first place.
Skip the headaches, body aches, hot laptops, and hassles. Grab a laptop stand for your bed and rest comfortably while you type away.